Much like the multi-coloured sticker on new appliances, Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) tell you how energy efficient a building is.
EPCs rate a home from A (very efficient) to G (inefficient). They’ll tell you how costly it will be to heat and light your property, and what its carbon dioxide emissions are likely to be.
An EPC also includes information on what the energy efficiency rating could be if you made the recommended improvements. It also highlights cost effective ways to improve your EPC rating.
Even if you rent your home, you could still implement some improvements noted on the EPC, such as switching to more energy efficient light bulbs.
EPCs are valid for 10 years from the date of issue.
If you’re looking to sell or rent out your home, you need an EPC before it goes on the market. You must get an approved domestic energy assessor to produce the EPC.
If you’re looking for a property to buy or rent a property, the EPC lets you compare the energy efficiency of different properties easily. Properties in Scotland must display its EPC rating, for example, near the boiler or meter cupboard.
The EPC also gives recommendations to improve your rating. If you do make any energy efficiency recommendations outlined in your EPC, you may want to get a new EPC to reflect this.
It’s worth noting that not all EPCs look the same. In this guide, we are using a 2017 certificate as an example. Older certificates will have most of this information, although it may look a bit different and may be in a different order.
Please note that EPCs in England, Wales and Northern Ireland have moved to a new format. This format looks different to the example we have used here from Scotland. The sections and information covered are identical.
The first page of your EPC starts with an estimate of the current and potential energy bills of the property. This is useful for knowing how much a new property will cost to run in energy bills. It’s also helpful for knowing how much lower the running costs could be if the energy efficiency was improved. These costs are just for your heating, hot water and lighting. The EPC doesn’t include any additional energy costs from your home appliances (eg the cost of running home appliances like your fridge). In reality, your energy bills will be a bit higher. However, the costs shown can help you compare properties and see which building could be cheaper to run. In this example, the potential savings add up to nearly £4,000 over three years in this three-bedroom semi-detached house. Energy efficiency rating The next table you see on page one is a quick visual comparison of property performance similar to the energy labels you get on home appliances. Your property has a current energy efficiency rating. These range from A-G, with A being the best. Some EPCs also have a similar chart for a property’s environmental performance. It also shows the potential rating if you carry out all the suggested improvements. In this example, you can see that the home could jump from band F to B with the recommended energy efficiency upgrades. Top actions
This page gives you a detailed breakdown of each element of your property. Each element includes a description and an energy rating from one to five stars (with five being the best). This is to help you understand the effectiveness of its construction, heating and hot water system, and lighting. This can be especially useful for comparing with other properties when you’re looking to buy or rent. Our example has an efficient heating system and some roof insulation, but there’s plenty of room for improvement. Low carbon energy Heat demand This section looks at how much heat you’re expected to use in the property and how you can reduce that by improving the insulation.
Now we arrive at perhaps the most important section of the EPC: the recommendations. Numbers on a page mean nothing unless you take action. Here you get a detailed breakdown of the recommended measures, costs, savings and how much each measure could improve the property’s energy efficiency rating. The recommended measures are shown in order of importance. The energy efficiency improvements figures are based on making the improvements in that order. Of course, you might not be able to complete them all, or in the order listed, but it’s a good guide. The number of recommended measures will vary, depending on which ones are applicable to your property. In this example, the first priority is wall insulation and the checklist works up to the installation of solar panels. This image shows the performance ratings after improvements listed below. However they only assume the improvements have been installed in the order they appear in the table. For more information you can refer to the energy grants calculator.
Alternative measures
The next section lists other measures that can improve the energy efficiency of the property. Although there is less information about potential costs and savings, these alternatives can be something to consider depending on your budget.
The EPC’s final page begins with basic information about the EPC, including the date of assessment and the assessor and their accrediting body. Environmental impact
To get an EPC, you need to speak to a qualified home assessor. This depends on where you live.
In England, Wales and Northern Ireland, only accredited domestic energy assessors can produce valid EPCs. You’ll need one of these assessors to produce an EPC certificate for you.
If you’re selling or renting your home through an estate agent, they may be able to arrange for the EPC to be completed for you.
In Scotland, only organisations approved by the Scottish Government can produce valid EPCs. You’ll need one of these organisations to produce an EPC certificate for you.
If you’re selling your home through a selling agent, you should ask them to arrange for a Home Report to be made. This report includes an energy report and EPC.
Energy reports can only be produced by chartered surveyors registered with RICS.
Getting an EPC certificate can cost between £60-£120. Remember that if you’re selling or renting out your home, you need an EPC otherwise you may be issued with a fixed penalty charge of £200.
How much an EPC costs can depend on:
Assessors may have different fees too, so it’s worth getting a number of quotes from an accredited assessor or organisation to find the best deal.